Shooters Fishers & Farmers Party Push for TAXI OWNERS PLATE BUYBACK 19 March 2024

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party of Tasmania stands in solidarity with the Taxi Licence Owners Tasmania Association (TLOTAS) in expressing deep concerns over the dire financial situation faced by taxi plate owners in Tasmania. Since the implementation of the Tasmanian Reforms, including the introduction of rideshare services like Uber and the 2021 Owner-Operator Taxi Licence Reserve Price Reforms, taxi plate owners have endured significant financial distress.

The plummeting value of Tasmanian perpetual taxi licences, coupled with receiving unsustainable monthly lease fees payments, has left many taxi owners struggling to make ends meet. This situation is particularly devastating for those with bank mortgage repayments and retirees who relied on their superannuation and pensions invested in these licences for a secure future.

It is unjust that hardworking individuals, mum and dad owners should bear the brunt of ill-advised government decisions and suffer such adverse financial consequences. Therefore, we urgently seek support and intervention from the Tasmanian State Government through the establishment of a buyback program for perpetual taxi licences at their original purchase price.

We implore all political opponents and who ever forms government to consider the success of similar programs implemented in other states, such as the Northern Territory, New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia, which have provided much-needed relief to taxi plate owners.

The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party of Tasmania believes that implementing a buyback program would not only alleviate the immediate financial burden but also restore justice and fairness to those severely affected by the devaluation of their assets.

Adrian Pickin
Mob: 0409 904 435
Leader, Shooters, Fishers, and Farmers Party

SFF Media Statement shooters Fisher Farmers Buyback

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