Tasmanian Transport Minister - Abetz in 2024 fails to acknowledge ill-advised taxi policy needs to change

Financial disaster for the Tasmanian Taxi Industry Continues

Despite the devastating impact on countless hardworking Australian taxi plate owners, Tasmanian Transport Minister Abetz refuses to recognise the disastrous consequences of the government’s misguided transport reforms and the unchecked rise of commercial rideshare services competing in the same market space. These actions have flooded the taxi market, leaving hard working Australian families struggling through no fault of their own. The government’s cold dismissal, claiming that “previous performance does not guarantee future performance,” is nothing short of dismissal. Even more shameful is their refusal to consider a government buyback, leaving those affected to bear the burden alone.  His letter demonstrates his unwillingness to take responsibility for ill-advised policy making.


The 2024 Tasmanian state election were on 23 March 2024 . The election resulted in a hung parliament, with the Liberal Party remaining the largest party by both vote share and seat total; winning 14 seats. Labor and the Greens won 10 and five seats respectively, with both parties experiencing only a small increase in their respective vote percentages, despite a large swing against the Liberal Party. The majority of the swing went to independents and the Jacqui Lambie Network, who won three seats in its first state election. Both major parties fell short of a majority, with the Liberals and Labor requiring four and eight seats respectively from the crossbench to form government

Plate owners have been notified to contact state ministers in Tasmania to make a pledge for a taxi buyback.

Its Time for a better future for Tasmania and the taxi industry………

Endre Kovacs
Representative, Taxi Licence Owners Group Tasmania 

Dear Endre

I write following our recent discussion. I appreciate the interest of this matter to taxi licence owners.

As discussed, from Opposition I cannot access data required to model a perpetual taxi licence buy back scheme.

If Labor forms the next government, I will ask the Department of State Growth to model a range of fair and just perpetual taxi licence buy back schemes.

Any decision subsequent to that would be a matter for the new government. Thank you again for taking the time to meet with me.
Yours sincerely

Josh Willie MLC


Download the Shadow Minister letter addressing model a range of fair and just perpetual taxi licence buy back schemes..to

Shadow Minister Josh willie letter looking at buyback schmes

Tasmanian perpetual taxi licence holders want taxi buyback by government

Hard working Australians who purchased perpetual taxi plate licences in Tasmania as part of their superannuation and retirement are financially destroyed and emotionally suffering due to the ill advised decisions made by the Tasmanian State Government and to make it worse, to date have continued to fail on the delivery of any  financial package  to cover FINANCIAL TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE for loss in asset value of Tasmanian perpetual taxi plate licenses. The government has repeatedly said no to compensation, so now we are asking for a buyback by the Government.

Tasmanian Taxi Industry in 2024 Financial Crisis 

There is no outcome to perpetual taxi licence owners in the midst of this plight for self funded retirees who have virtually lost most of their income from taxi leases.  It is no exaggeration to state that taxi plate licence holders/owners with these crippling loses have had their life savings stolen by the Tasmanian State Government.

 Where is the justice in all this?

Many of our Tasmanian taxi licensees have been under tremendous pressure due to this onslaught of an unequal level playing field competition from app-dispatched services. These app dispatched services are not carrying the same costs nor are being forced to pay the same fees.  The State Government needs to correct its moral compass. Minister Ferguson has no idea of what a level playing field is….. Just look at the statistics and disparate insurance premiums!

 Taxi Industry Market Manipulation.

The Tasmanian Taxi Industry has been placed in a commercial disadvantage, specifically through the inequity in CTP insurance, comprehensive insurance and very low taxi operator lease licensing fees.

All The Ministers Need to know the facts

Not a Level Playing Field for Tasmanian Taxi Industry.

There are approximately 428 perpetual taxi licences in Tasmania held by 194 owners. Many self funded retirees who have invested 20+ years of  blood, sweat and tears of hard work in investing in this perpetual taxi plate asset has gone down the drain through no fault of their own, but by the manipulation of government.

BuyBack Sought in Tasmanian Taxi Industry

Financial transitional assistance is sought for Perpetual Plate Owners in Tasmania who as mum and dad investors rely on this income for their retirement. This assistance package could be in a form of a optional buyback but to date the State Government, even with Federal Government funding is unwilling to help plate owners during this catastrophe.  A significant consequence of these reforms has been the sharp decrease in the value of Tasmanian perpetual taxi leases, plummeting from over $16,000 to a mere $3,000 – $3600 per annum (2024).  Yes this is $250 – $300 per month. That comes down to $10 a day. Rediculous! 

There are taxi plates literally sitting in the shelf at taxi networks not working at all, many for months.

The “asset” loss is no fault of mum and dad investors and should not be punished by the Liberal Tasmanian Government. Its time for a change.

It is now time to have one voice as a one unified group to ensure our investments are not stolen from us by the Tasmanian State Government.

Taxi Licence BuyBack for Tasmanian perpetual taxi plate owners. If WA, NSW and VIC got buyback, then why don't we?

Any call for Tasmanian Government to implement taxi licence buy-back scheme must be in the form of fair and equitable transitional assitance for perpetual taxi plate owners.

Failure by Tasmanian Liberal Government to look after Australian mum and dad investors

Taxi leases CRASHED to $3,600 for Tasmanian taxi owners since 2020 and plate values have spiralled downwards at no fault of  their own. Many have invested as part of their self managed super funds. 

Elderly Individuals have bought taxi plate licences have had their superannuation investments and their entire livelihoods stolen by the  Liberal Tasmanian Government. 

In 2024, the taxi plate owners are in financial stress and Minister Ferguson doesn’t want to help.

Tasmanian Taxi Plate Owners Suffer Financial Stress No Fault Of Their Own

Support from Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party on Taxi Owner Licence Buyback

Visit the media statement from The Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party that endorse the proposal of a taxi buyback by the Tasmanian State Government.