People Affected - TAS Taxi Plate Licence Holders in Crisis. Now made unbearable by COVID-19 Virus

Akirs YoshikawaI give permission for you to publicise my plight with my three Hobart taxi licenses, I support our mutual plight to ask the Tasmanian state government to buy the perpetual licence plates and will seek support from other plate holder who are also in the same collective situation as ours.
I have been left with a breech and broken Contract with my management company who is now not paying anything for my three plates.
I have lost all
Confidence in the Hobart taxi industry.
Kind regards
Akira Yoshikawa.
Craig MaherWith 2 taxi plates and one of them not working, it looks like I will have the 2nd vehicle also not operational because of this Corona Virus affecting Penguin Taxis.
Endre KovacsYour Tasmania State Government has created a profound deleterious financial, emotional and even physical impact on me and my family by destroying my retirement and making my hard working tax paid investment in the Tasmania perpetual taxi licence (in my retirement superannuation) virtually valueless as it currently stands with no income. My family use this to live off this taxi lease payments. As a retiree,I am facing a non sustainable future.
Muhammad Hefny

"How could you do this to me?"

How could you do this to me?  My family and I worked hard all our lives, for approximately 15 years my husband and I worked 14 hours a day 7 days a week to make ends meet and this is how we get repaid by the Liberal Government. We have been put on the scrap heap.
MichaelAs a retiree, I was living off my taxi licence which is now virtually worth nothing when looking at our living expenses.

"I will have to continue working long after I had planned to retire."

“I put my own hard earned money into taxi plates in a market that was regulated tightly by the Tasmanian Government. I used to earn $12,000 per year from leasing my plate and now I earn $4,000 per year if I am lucky. I will have to continue working long after I had planned to retire as a result.”

My husbands physical health has declined because he has had to take on another job and work long hours to try and support his family, and this has had a big impact on his mental health too.

“Not a day goes by that I don’t think about the money I handed over to the Tas Government, and I feel so angry. How could the Government do this? Government’s are supposed to help the public, not think of ways to steal our money.”

We need the Government to buy back the taxi plates.